Afghan Transit Trade

Afghanistan and Pakistan share more than a border; they share a language, people, customs, culture and history. Since centuries the Pakistan has been best trade and supply route for land-locked Afghanistan. Pakistan provides Afghanistan the closest sea ports: Port Qasim, Karachi Port and Gwadar Ports.

We started our services for Afghan bonded cargo 5 years ago and since then dozens of corporations depends on us to ship their inventory to Afghanistan. We are amongst the first few companies to have entered Afghan Transit Trade. The selection of staff from those areas that share culture and language of Pakistan and Afghanistan has gave our company a real boost in building our very strong infrastructure across the both borders. From construction and telecom equipment’s and foods and beverages supplies, we can, and have, moved it all.

Our transportation network and operational protocol has been developed using both ex-servicemen and commercial best practices, are continually evolving so that our services remain secure, responsive and reliable. We have the honor of being one of the very few National Logistic Cell (NLS)’s HMT Contractor for containerized and over dimension cargo.

Our documentation team is well groomed and professionally trained for Customs & Excise documentation, Government certifications, Embassies and Consulates NOC and Afghan Exemption Certificate (Maafi Khat). Verification of Jawaz Nama for commercial shipments. Border Clearance in with dedicated own offices both in Chaman and Torkham.